Scripture References: Proverbs 18:2, Genesis 1:26-27, Matthew 12:13, Romans 4:17, Mattew 9:6,    1 Chronicles 4:10




If you change the way you think,  you’ll have the power and authority to declare good things and they shall be established


  • You can change any situation by your declaration


  • There’s so much power with our mouth, so let’s declare positivity


  • Declare those things that be not as though they were there


  • You have the power to declare life, so speak life into every situation


  • They that have it shall eat of the fruit thereof


  • It’s never late, those delays are for a purpose


  • Speak good things into your life and so shall it be


  • Declare it and shall you shall have


  • Your declarations shall be your testimony





The Lord has spoken once, twice I have heard this,

The power belongs to God, Jehovah is the creator of heaven and earth, Sustainer of life, Ruler of the universe,

By His mighty hand, He has raised me with His spirit, He has graced me,

Therefore, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,

It is the power of God for my salvation,  healing and deliverance,

In Christ I have my power, I am clothed in the whole armour of God,

The word of God is my sword and shield, the word of the Lord says, I can do all things through Christ,

Therefore I boldly declare , I am strong in the Lord

And in the power of His mind,

By my hand,  signs, wonders and mighty works will be done in Christ Jesus,

I walk in more glory and  more power,

I am persuaded that this year, my God will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask for according to the power that works in me IN JESUS NAME.


Giving Lives A New Identity


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