Daybreak Chapel


Scripture References: Psalm 92:12-14, Romans 3:23, 2 Thessalonians1:4 Psalms 1:3, Proverbs 3:23, Psalms 67:5




  • To be righteous on your own, you need to believe in all the laws, but when you believe in the righteousness of Christ through faith, you are made righteous.


  • You are more than a conqueror because Christ came and conquered.


  • You lack nothing and you need nothing because Christ is everything and you have Him.


  • You were made to flourish the day you were born because  of the riches of God, you are the definition of Prosperity.


  • Christ accomplished healing before leaving earth so we are already healed.


  • If you receive the word of the Lord in the house of the Lord, you shall flourish in the courts of the Lord, so your prosperity is in the courts  of the Lord.


  • You are protected, preserved and you shall enjoy prosperity in the courts of the Lord because the enemy cannot reach you there.


  • When you are planted in the house of the Lord, your roots never lack except which you believe. Your only limitation is what you believe.


  • If you pack yourself out of the house of the Lord, you cannot be fed there because, the soil out there cannot sustain you.


  • If you stay in the house of the Lord and meditate upon His word, you shall experience His glory.


  • For you to be delivered, the word must swing swiftly with you and the word must be glorified.


  • In the house of God, there is purpose, so when you are planted in the house of the Lord you are made righteous and you shall prosper.


  • It is an error to be in the house of God and not bear fruits because there is no evil in the Lord.


  • All things are working for your good so it is impossible for you not flourish no matter what they throw at you.


  • There is no condition for you to fail in the house of God.


  • When the enemy thinks you are down, that is a requirement for your springing up.


  • You are reformed and affirmed every step along the way, so you will only continue to grow freshly.


  • The conditions for your growth can never be interrupted by the works of the enemy when you lift yourself up to the Lord.


  • Laugh at the storm because God is shooting you through  the sky.


  • There is no clock for your prosperity. EACH SEASON IS YOUR SEASON.


  • The down moments are preparations for what is to come.


  • Every condition have been made perfect for you to grow.


What To Do To Flourish



  1. Seek first the Kingdom of God


  1. Give your all to God


  1. You’ll flourish only when you see you’re flourishing. BELIEVE!


  1. Position yourself to the convenant of God


  1. Possessing the flourishing mentality


  1. Connect yourself to a priestly person




  • Pray that the word shall be written in the tablets of your heart!


  • Pray that you flourish in anything that you do, that you always remain in the courts of the Lord no matter what happens!



Giving Lives A New Identity…


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