Daybreak Chapel


Scripture References: John 3:14  2 Corinthians 3:5&6


Confess the life of God for yourself everyday

  • If you choose the letter, you die but if you choose the spirit, you live because the letter killeth, but the spirit gives life
  • When the spirit of Christ abides in you, you live forever


  • Men are not a factor as far as your progress is considered, just the spirit of God


  • The eye of God follows you everywhere because of His love


  • In times of distress, just lift your eyes to God almighty because He cares for you


  • If you live in the spirit, no demon or principality can be able to stand against you


  • Declare the greatness of God in your struggles and you shall overcome


  • Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith and He is not  done with us yet. You  shall complete everything you have started




  • Pray against the virus moving around to crush


  • Pray against any witchcraft manipulating  your children and may any evil serpents be destroyed


  • Pray against anything that has been written cornering your family, your business or your job, that the handwriting of the enemy shall be destroyed




I and my household shall not die in the name of Jesus, we are indestructible, incorruptible and imperishable by the power of God.


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