We believe in leading people into their true identity in Christ by preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Join Daybreak Chapel International today and become a part of our family. Talk to us today and find out what you need to do and how we can help you make this transition as smooth as possible.
Daybreak Chapel Int. was established in the year 1998 by Rev. Prophetess Ivy Tetteh. In 2003Daybreak Chapel was a small, upstart church with a big dream of becoming a church that welcomes thinking people who were not actively involved in a church.
With great pleasure and a heart filled with joy, we comfy you to our church. As a church, we are inspired by God to be an end-time militia to the world to promote the Word of God so as to conform you to His divine Purpose according to Romans 8:28. Our doors are always opened to anyone that wishes to fellowship with us. May the Lord bless you all…Amen!
It made me sick to think of anyone being burned forever with absolutely no hope of an end to it. I cried at Bible study, I cried at church.
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account
• Tunga Down, Dansoman Last Stop
• Box LT 389, Lartebiokoshie
• Accra – Ghana, West – Africa
• Tel: +233 (0) 244 476 580 (0) 208 118 672
• Email: [email protected]